

Do you 👂 the people sing?

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Everything was so confusing and then it happened, just like that~~ rolled up~~.

When I heard on Monday that the team was going to have a Hackathon, I said, "If you don't want me, I refuse. Hackathons are not interesting compared to work. Let me work."

After the Hackathon started, this was me:

Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 5.20.17 AM

Mmm, it's really exciting...

And then I kept editing videos until now (5 AM). The last time I stayed up all night editing videos was also the last time.

I thought I would start with next.js and then give up, but I didn't expect next.js to be so cool and well-optimized that it feels really comfortable to write. It truly deserves to be called the Apple of the frontend world.

In order to catch up with modern frontend civilization, I decided to use rainbowkit to connect to the wallet. Then I discovered that rainbowkit includes wagmi, and wagmi includes ethers. As an old-fashioned native ethers user, it's really dazzling to see all these.

Frontend technology is really overwhelming.

While writing, I'm also thinking about what frontend technology will be like in ten years. It's hard to imagine.

Of course, a real Hackathon looks like this:

Hackathon 1/4: I want to complete functions 1, 2, and 3.

Hackathon 2/4: Just completing one function is enough.

Hackathon 3/4: How else can we cut down on requirements...

Hackathon 4/4: No time, let's start editing the video first.

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