

Do you 👂 the people sing?

Weekly Digest #4 | Fleeting Holidays

This article is a summary of the period from January 22, 2023, to January 28, 2023.


As the music starts playing, everyone starts running along with the float, waving and shouting, as if only laughter is allowed in the world.

This scene is the beginning of the parade at Disneyland. Happy music plays on the broadcast, and all the visitors run towards the float, joining the parade and waving and shouting with the dolls. With the loud volume of the broadcast, people's voices are no longer heard, as if sadness is a crime and only joy is allowed to exist.


Except for January 28th, this week was the Spring Festival holiday. Fortunately, I avoided family socializing due to blood relations and updated my holiday travel notes separately on my tg channel. They were also synchronized to Crossbell through xSync.

This year's Spring Festival holiday in mainland China is a 7-day public holiday followed by 7 consecutive working days, which inevitably makes me reflect on this abnormal "compensatory leave" system. If you believe that people are humans and not human batteries, then obviously 7 consecutive working days are unreasonable. Apart from the moral perspective, have you heard people's sighs in the holiday crowds: "If taking a holiday can stimulate people's consumption like this, why not have more holidays?" Why? I seem to know and not know at the same time. Even if I try to pursue freedom in smaller units, I find it difficult. I may not have enough wisdom to think about these issues.


  • Inspired by zu1k, I have decided to manually maintain my own "recent reading" list on Notion: The significance of collecting and sharing information does not need to be explained further, but the existing tools cannot meet this need well. Recently, I have had many discussions with like-minded friends in the community about this type of need, and we have basically determined the form of the product we want to create. I hope to have the opportunity to promote this as soon as possible. Until our side project is completed, I will continue to manually maintain my "recent reading" list.
  • This week, I finished reading "Confessions of a Mask". This is the first book by Yukio Mishima that I have read. When I had only read about 10 pages, I exclaimed that this book is amazing. The depiction of desire is explicit but not vulgar, and it made me dizzy and unable to stop reading. I finally understand why everyone praises Mishima's writing style.
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