

Do you 👂 the people sing?

Weekly Digest #5#6 | If life is like this

This article is a summary of the biweekly period from January 29, 2023, to February 12, 2023. There were quite a few things happening during these two weeks, and I was quite busy, so I had to combine two weeks into one and write a biweekly report.


The setting sun hid behind the withered branches, emitting a dim light, casting a reddish glow on the distant snow-capped mountains.

The golden full moon hung low in the deep blue night sky, enveloping the two stubborn and proud excavators on the wilderness.

The full moon shuttled through the white birch forest, and fireworks bloomed in the sky above the village.

These three scenes were encountered when I went skiing at Nanshan Ski Resort on the fifteenth day of the lunar month. The first scene was at the end of the day session, and I saw the sunset in the ski resort. The scene reminded me of the poem "Every tree is autumn, every mountain is sunset", but it was already winter.

The second scene was after the day session ended, when I returned to the parking lot. It was already night, but the sky was not completely dark yet, and there was still a hint of blue. I saw this scene after a small turn, and before the turn, the moon was blocked by obstacles. So when I suddenly saw such an open and desolate scene after the turn, the momentary sight was quite stunning.

The third scene was on the way back, the moon had already risen gradually. It was the fifteenth day of the lunar month, and fireworks were constantly blooming above the village in the distance. Driving in the moonlight and fireworks scene was not the first time, it also appeared in Week#1. Perhaps because driving on the open road accompanied by moonlight gives me a sense of freedom, I am often touched by this scene.

Red, yellow, blue, purple, layers of light circles, enveloping me, from far to near, from small to large, getting faster and faster, endless.

This scene was seen when driving through a tunnel at night on the highway, passing through layers of light circles formed by fixed interval lights around the tunnel. The colors of the lights happened to be very bright, red, yellow, blue, purple, very dynamic, even a bit psychedelic. Unconsciously, I drove faster and faster (note: dangerous action, do not imitate). When I came back to my senses, I found that the speed had reached 150km/h, but I didn't feel anything.

A photo of scene two is shown below:

photo_2023-02-16 01.40.36


WeChat Account Suspension#

On February 4, 2023, in the morning, my WeChat account on my phone was logged out. With a sense of unease about the unknown, I logged in again after entering my password, only to find that my account had been permanently suspended. It is not entirely accurate to say that my WeChat account was suspended, as all the QQ accounts associated with my phone were also unable to log in.

Recently, especially during the Spring Festival holiday last week, I witnessed the revival of the entire tourism industry, and I often felt that all of this was somewhat unreal. It wasn't until my WeChat account was suddenly suspended that I realized this, especially since I hadn't posted any Moments or participated in WeChat group chats for over two months.

I may write another article to elaborate on what I want to say about the suspension of my WeChat account, but for now, I'll just briefly mention it. Even if I actively try not to rely on WeChat, passively relying on WeChat in this society has still brought me a lot of inconvenience. I don't know if it's worth it or not, I know many people think it's unnecessary, and there may have been a few moments when I hesitated and wondered why bother. But in the end, I still believe in my answer:

A relatively clear-headed person will realize that he is constantly "formally violating" the so-called "most sacred laws in society" because he must obey even more sacred laws, and there is no need to be so unconventional. He has already verified his determination... He will put certain things aside and cross an invisible boundary, establishing new, universally understood and freer rules around him and deep within his heart; otherwise, he will expand the old rules and obtain new interpretations that are advantageous to him from a freer perspective, and he will be able to live as a higher order being.

  • "Walden"

"Does social interaction need to be decentralized?" I think I understand this question better now, and I hope I can better apply what I understand to building a new world.


Recently, I was entrusted by relatives to help contact a moving company to complete a local move. This was the first time I learned that there are moving companies that provide services for categorizing packing and restoring the new home. Another novel experience was sitting in the passenger seat of a truck for the first time in my life.

In addition, by chance, I encountered some fragments of my past writings during the moving process. Glancing at the past, I felt a mixture of emotions. I would complain, "This person is so annoying, why does everything revolve around love?" But at the same time, I felt a bit heartbroken, realizing that even after so many years, I still seem to be affected by past emotions. However, I also marveled at the unnoticed changes in myself in many aspects. If the 15-year-old me saw what the 25-year-old me looks like, she would be happy for herself - of course, the 25-year-old me also loves the 15-year-old me.


I recently tried rock climbing for the first time, which was also my first time experiencing this sport. It's not that I didn't like rock climbing before, in fact, I really like it. I like its freedom and strength (which may be the most fundamental motivation for me to like most sports), I like the implication of getting close to nature, and I like that it is not highly competitive. The reason why I didn't try it until now is probably because of my fear of difficulties - I thought my upper body strength was weak, and I am short with short arms and legs, so rock climbing seemed too difficult. But after accumulating more experience in trying different sports, I seemed to have more confidence to finally give it a try.

And after actually experiencing it, I have to say, I am convinced that rock climbing will be one of the sports I really enjoy. Not because I have enough strength to "conquer" rock climbing, but because I really enjoy the process of constantly practicing self-acceptance in rock climbing - height, which is an innate physical advantage, can directly determine whether others can easily climb a certain route, even if you practice hard, you may not succeed. But I know that I can always do better than my past self, and I can also enjoy the freedom and joy of rock climbing more seriously. "Doing better than my past self" is a very simple truth, but we often forget it. Climbing a route that I couldn't climb for the first time but can climb the second time, and experiencing the joy of progress, is a good practice of self-acceptance.

Another reason that made me fall in love with rock climbing is the atmosphere of the climbing gym. I don't know if all climbing gyms are similar, but the one I went to had two floors. The first floor was the climbing area, and the second floor had a large table, a microwave oven, serving as an office and dining area, and a fitness area with simple dumbbells and kettlebells. For someone who works remotely and likes sports and the community atmosphere of sports, a climbing gym meets all my needs, and I love it.


In the past two weeks, I have had some conversations with friends that are not common. Intentionally or unintentionally, I believe we are all trying to save each other in this difficult world. I am also gradually brave enough to see the hidden parts of myself and reconcile with that part of myself. Perhaps all the regrets still point to my poor ability to handle interpersonal relationships, but at least I am trying to accept this part of myself.

Expired Driver's License#

In the early morning of February 4, 2023, when I had the idea of registering as a ride-hailing driver, I found that my driver's license had expired a month ago - and realized that I had been driving without a valid license for a month. Because there are many planned activities that require driving, I suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed. Although I hadn't had a physical examination yet, I thought it wouldn't hurt to try, so I hurriedly took photos and submitted an application on the Traffic Management 123 app overnight. Unexpectedly, it only took 5 hours for the new electronic driver's license to be approved (I submitted the application at 4:30 am, and it was approved at 9:30 am the next morning).

To be more at ease, I wanted to get the physical driver's license as well, so I woke up in the morning and hurriedly went to the traffic management office to pick up the license. When picking up the license, the staff told me that I just needed to complete the physical examination.

Looking back now, although I had a lot of anxiety at the time because of the expired driver's license, the renewal process went very smoothly, and I hardly experienced any negative consequences.

Driving in Snowy Weather#

Just after arriving in Chongli last week, I encountered heavy snowfall that I hadn't seen in years (although the weather forecast said it was light snow). This was my first time driving in icy and snowy conditions, and the life lesson I learned was not to drive a rear-wheel-drive car in snowy weather (especially if you don't have snow tires), as it can't climb slopes at all.

If Life Is Like This#

The last part about life is a bit abstract. Sometimes we fall into pessimistic moods, feeling that many things seem to be endless and insignificant, and in the end, life is just a hasty journey without joy or sorrow... If life is like this, at least the joy brought by today's sunshine is worth cherishing. Facing the future without expectations, I think this is the only thing I should strive to do when facing emotional lows.


I haven't been reading much recently, only reading a few articles about Cancel Culture. I have some shallow thoughts about Cancel Culture and its relation to Web3, and I hope to further develop and share these thoughts after more reflection.

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