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Weekly Digest #7 | Catching the tail of the snow season

This article is a summary of the period from February 13, 2023, to February 19, 2023.


Under the snow slope, golden lights outline a solemn building.

This scene takes place at the night session of the Fulong Ski Resort. While sliding down a gentle slope, a hotel at the foot of the mountain suddenly comes into view. The outline of the hotel is outlined by golden lights, giving it a somewhat solemn appearance in the night.

The snow on the distant mountains shines brightly in the dark night, making the sky appear like a curtain hanging in front of the field of vision.

This scene takes place at night while walking on a road in a residential area. Suddenly, the faint outline of mountains in the distance catches attention. However, it is not dark and looming on the horizon, but rather shines brightly like clouds at night. Later, it is realized that it is the reflection of snow on the mountains.

The strong wind lifts the floating snow on the mountaintops, blurring the vision. The scattered snow in the distance layers upon the gray-blue mountains, extending to the horizon.

This scene takes place at the mountaintop of the Fulong Ski Resort on a weekend. Overlooking the surrounding mountains in the distance, suddenly a strong wind blows, causing the floating snow to dance wildly and hit the face, making it impossible to keep the eyes open.


Pain is the brain's way of making you feel pain#

This week, I stayed in Chongli and can barely be considered a regular participant in the night sessions at the Fulong Ski Resort. However, the truth is that on the first day of this week (last Sunday's night session), I fell too hard and my ribs still hurt until now (although there has been noticeable improvement, so I estimate that my ribs are not broken, just soft tissue bruising). This experience made me realize that pain is truly a neural reflex, and it is your brain's way of making you feel pain.

Every time I go skiing, even when I just put on my snowsuit, I feel like my ribs are almost not hurting anymore, as if my brain is telling my ribs, "I'm going to start skiing, so be quiet." And after skiing, even before taking off my snowsuit, when I decide to end today's skiing, I feel that my ribs start to hurt immensely, to the point where it is difficult to bend down and take off my ski boots, as if my brain is saying to me, "I told you so, you're in pain because you were showing off."

Speaking of skiing, I have been practicing smoother edge transitions recently. I hope to go skiing in Canada next ski season.

What is she thinking in her dreams#

Recently, life should be relatively relaxed, and I haven't felt too much pressure or anxiety. But in fact, at least for the days that I remember, I had nightmares for three days. Everyone's definition of nightmares may be different, but for me, nightmares are experiences of extreme emotional depression or even breakdown. I don't know why this is happening, but I want to know what she is thinking in her dreams.

Body, brain, consciousness, emotions... Although I can't fully understand the relationship between them, I am still fascinated by them. In addition to the self-deception experience of pain in the brain mentioned above, I want to share another personal experience: I can clearly feel the boundary between half-asleep and half-awake and being fully awake. Before this boundary, I have very vivid memories of dreams, but in just a few seconds after crossing this boundary, I can't remember anything. It even includes pain perception. There have been many mornings when I felt a headache and pain in the half-asleep state (similar to a hangover headache), but after fully waking up, the pain dissipates like the tide (within a few seconds), and I even feel like my head has never hurt. To be honest, I am curious if others have similar experiences.


Although I brought a few books when going out, I am ashamed to say that I didn't read much this week. I hope to read more next week.

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